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by inKin
02 Dec

4 Paths To Build Strong, Functional and Beautiful Muscles

Most people think that to develop muscle, they have to keep pumping iron.


This is a solid strategy, of course. However, it’s also important to eat right if you want a muscular physique. And don’t forget that continuous cardio also works your muscles. So if you run for a few months, you’ll develop leg and glute muscles that you hadn’t seen before.

Approach fitness from a bunch of different angles, and you’ll see more results than you would from just lifting weights in the gym. If you’re looking for a muscular body, try taking these four paths:


1. Weight Machines

When you go to the gym, you’re going to see many weight machines made for different parts of the body. This is a great place to start. The weight machines are created for stability. You just sit down in the exact position indicated on the chart and move in the direction that will work your muscles.

Pick a weight that feels slightly challenging but not too much, at least to begin with. Get yourself used to the movement of the machine. Don’t worry about people watching you as you do this. It’s important for you to understand which muscle you’re supposed to be using.

Also, remember that there are going to be adjustments on every machine, in terms of the height of the seat or the inclination of the back. Make sure that you adjust each tool to fit your body size.

Sometimes, the machine might be made for a larger person and might not fit your body. Don’t worry about it. You can always do the same exercise with free weights.


2. Free Weights

Free weights actually give you a better workout than weight machines. This is because there is less muscle isolation and you’ll use a lot of connecting muscle tissue when lifting a free weight. You’ll have to figure out how to remain stable by yourself, without the help of a machine.

It’s important to make sure that you don’t strain your muscles while doing this.  For instance,  you shouldn’t move your back when working out your shoulders or arms.

And try to keep your movements slow and smooth rather than jerky. The longer you take to complete one rep, the more of a workout you’re getting.


3. Yoga

Yoga is a great workout which uses body weight to build muscle. 

A lot of guys think that yoga is just for women. And it’s true that women love the fact that yoga builds lean muscle since they don’t want to get bulky. However, men can also benefit from doing yoga, which will help them to get a tall, lean look. Plus, it helps to beat the boredom created by doing only weights.


4. Cardio

Most people think that cardio is only for weight loss whereas weights should be used to build muscle. But you can also build lean muscle by doing cardio. Running on a treadmill and getting on an elliptical trainer or rowing machine can do the trick. When you’re running, you build leg and glute muscles, and an elliptical trainer works both, your upper and lower body. You can get a sculpted back by using this machine. And if you’re really focusing on upper body, you can get on a rowing machine.


Many people like the repetitive movements of cardio machines. You can just listen to music and switch off, letting your body do all the work. However, make sure that you’re careful to listen to your body because you can end up overworking it during cardio. You might end up pulling a muscle if you work too hard. So check in with your body every five minutes or so to make sure that it’s not protesting against the movement.


Photo Credit: Depositphotos

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