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23 Nov

An Overview of inKin Social Fitness Platform: Why Sign Up Today?

The inKin Social Fitness is a powerful tool for those seeking increased fitness, social interaction and motivation. Let's talk about what sets them apart.


1. inKin Connects You With Your Fitness Tribe

Your tribe may be your family, co-workers, neighbors or social media friends. Perhaps you want to get together with other new parents and set some fitness goals. Maybe you want to promote fitness in your retirement community. Or, maybe your teen wants to compete with their friends.

Studies show that when people have support, accountability and some healthy competition, they experience better results, so it makes sense to join with others when it comes to exercise.

inKin allows you to connect with friends and create groups and teams. You can also connect on a head-to-head level. Create challenges, competitions, and set goals. This allows you to stay accountable and makes fitness more fun!

For example, you can group with co-workers and create teams. You can set up a team competition. Put accounting against sales and let the competition begin!

You also have the option to interact with the wider inKin community. Join public contests and make new fitness friends. Or, you can keep your information private and only engage with friends and family.


2. How Does It Work?

How does inKin track fitness? What if your friends don't have the same tracker or app that you do?

This is part of what makes inKin different. It works with a variety of devices and apps including Fitbit, Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, Garmin, and many others. This means that you can connect with friends no matter what type of tracker they have. 


3. Monitor Your Progress

A comprehensive dashboard helps you keep track of your progress and allows you to keep up with friends and keep an eye on your competitions and challenges.

Belong to a group? You can catch up via your own newsfeed and leaderboard.


4. Easy To Use

inKin isn't complicated to use. Connecting your devices to the app is simple, and the inKin user interface is easy to navigate. You'll be using it like a pro from the start, and you'll quickly see how simple it is to create groups, start and join competitions and interact with other users.

Once you're set up, you'll want to invite your friends and family to join. This is where you'll see real progress as you find an accountability partner and a tribe of supportive folks who want to see you succeed. You'll have the opportunity to cheer on your friends, your kids, your spouse and your other family members, and enjoy some good old-fashioned competition. 

This creates increased motivation. When it's just you looking at your stats day after day, motivation can slip away. inKin helps you maintain that drive. You'll be more excited to view your daily stats, and you'll want to check in with others as well.


5. What If You Don't Have A Device?

Don't worry. If you don't have a device yet, you may try inKin with one of these free options: Fitbit (iOS and Android), Mi Fit (iOS and Android) or Withings  (iOS and Android) apps as well as the Apple HealthKit.

And, you can also sync up your stats when you use more than one tracker. As a matter of fact, you can connect various fitness devices and colect your health and fitness data from different dayta sources. Say, if you forget your Fitbit you can still have your activity recorded via the app and added to your daily stats. This helps ensure that all your activity is recorded!

The best part is inKin is absolutely free to use! No one-time or monthly fees. This means everyone can use inKin to improve fitness and health.

More questions? Contact inKin to learn more about the app.


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