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by inKin
06 Feb

How Losing 30 Kilos Has Changed This Young Mom's Life

At inKin, we get inspired by fascinating stories of weight loss and body transformation success. And today we can’t wait to share an incredible story of 30-year old Angela who’s tremendous determination and willpower to change her body actually changed her life and inspired her to become a health entrepreneur, sharing her journey and knowledge with the community in her home city, Yerevan.

Name: Angela Ilinykh

Hometown: Yerevan, Armenia

Height: 5ft 3in (161 cm)

Weight before and after: 176.4 lb / 116.8 (80 kg / 53 kg)

Dress/clothing size before and after: L/S

Birth Date: December  28, 1987

Occupation: Founder of Eat & Fit Healthy Cafe

Married for 7 years, son aged 5.


1. What was your ‘aha’ moment - the moment when you realized you had to make changes in your life?

My highest weight of 80 kg (176.4 lb) had become my turning point when I realized that I’d be 30 soon, so I need to start changing my life and my body.

I had always been prone to fatness and had zero interest in sports and fitness, but I gained my maximum weight after being pregnant with my son.


2. What role do you think diet had in your weight gain?

I’m a sweet tooth and used to consume lots of sugar. And even though I’d never been big on fast food and other unhealthy snacks, my passion for sweets, coupled with the sedentary lifestyle brought me to my maximum weight.

Now I truly believe that the key to success consists of 80% of nutrition. The right, balanced meals build up your dream body and make you healthy.


3. Once you realized you needed to make changes, what was the very first thing you did to begin your journey?

Firstly, I did my research on the topic and tried to understand what it actually meant to eat healthily. I wanted to make food my ally and to learn more about its qualities.  I also got a gym membership. And then I set my goal, found my motivation and started my journey towards that target.  My main objective was a healthy weight loss with a competent approach. I had an unsuccessful attempt before with unpleasant consequences and wanted to do everything right this time.


4. Did you use any fitness devices or apps to track your activity and changes?

Yes, I tracked my daily steps and periodically calculated my caloric consumption.


5. Did you enlist help from a friend, family member or professional?

I got extremely lucky with all the support I got from my family and friends. However, I didn’t seek any professional advice.


6. You’ve mentioned joining the gym. What was your initial experience there?

Yes, I wanted to train, so I joined the gym from the very beginning and worked out almost every day. And I found out that it was important to combine both cardio and weight training.


7. What changes did you make to your diet and nutrition program?

First of all, I’ve learned to distribute nutrients (protein/fat/carbs) correctly. I’ve started to consume complex carbohydrates as a source of energy, use healthy fats and plenty of vegetables, fruits and protein.


8. What was the hardest part of changing your eating habits? Or what was the most challenging thing you had to deal with during your weight loss journey?

To be honest with you, once I realized I could eat almost anything, including sweets by simply choosing the right ingredients, I didn’t face any difficulties. I can still have a cheat meal now and then - as long as I keep the balance.


9. Do you have any role models that helped you in your transformation?

I can’t say I have anyone in particular. But I did follow a few fitness trainers, motivational and healthy recipes accounts on Instagram.


10. How long did it take you to lose the weight, meet your goal and get back into shape? How long did it take you to start to see results?

I got rid of the vast of my weight in the first year. But it’s been three years since I lead a healthy lifestyle, shape a body I want and eat healthily. But I must say that I noticed my first results in only one month of my new regimen.


11. What keeps you motivated to continue your weight loss success?

Myself. I realized that nothing motivates me more than my own results towards a healthier me.


12. How has your life changed now that you have lost weight? What is your next goal in your new, fit life?

My new regimen has become my lifestyle and inspired me to share my journey with others. That’s how the idea of a healthy cafe was born, and, hence, I am now a proud owner of Eat & Fit Healthy Cafe.

I’ve become more confident, stronger and healthier. My current goal is to keep it up, enhance my body and myself, improve my skills in training and healthy nutrition. I plan to take a course in sports nutrition, which will help me in my work in the cafe, too.


13. Do you have any advice for others who are trying to lose weight?

The most important thing is not to lose hope and believe in yourself and understand that first of all you are doing it for yourself, for your health, both physical and psychological.









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