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14 Feb

How To Enhance Corporate Wellness Activities With Online Platforms

Looking to take your corporate wellness incentive to the next level? Then utilizing online platforms alongside your offline activities is your answer.

Corporate wellness programs offer a wide range of benefits for many companies that improve employee health and wellness, increase the odds that employees will engage in healthy behaviours, and create a better feeling about the company as a whole because of its investment in its employees. When you have a corporate wellness program, your employees are less likely to get sick or to have chronic health problems that can interfere with their ability to work effectively and productively. 

Chances are, however, that you already know many of the benefits associated with corporate wellness programs. Now, you're looking to take your corporate wellness incentive to the next level and utilizing online platforms alongside your offline corporate wellness activities can help improve your overall program. 


1. Online Programs Increase Engagement

Sure, the goal of your corporate wellness program is to get employees moving, but you want to make access to your programs as easy as possible. When you use an online platform, you're able to increase engagement among your employees. Any employee can check in at any time. They have access to your online platform whenever it's convenient for them, whether they're heading out for a walk on their lunch break or meeting the conditions of a new challenge at the end of a workday. By offering an online platform alongside your offline activities, you help increase engagement and encourage employees to get involved--even those who might be more reluctant to speak up or take initiative in person. 


2. Online Platforms Bring All of Your Employees Together

Do you have a large business--perhaps one that is scattered across the globe? If so, you may struggle to involve all of your employees in corporate wellness programs. Having a diverse geographic area covered by your business, however, does not necessarily mean that you have to construct separate corporate wellness programs for each office or area. Instead, try out an online platform. You may discover that this online strategy allows you to more effectively bring all of your employees together, whether they're competing in challenges or cheering each other on. Using an online platform for your corporate wellness strategy will also allow you to bring in employees who typically work from home, making them feel as though they're part of the new initiative even if they aren't able to come into the office. Above all, online platforms can help you tackle not only your corporate wellness goals but also team building activities by mixing staff from various regions, divisions, levels together.


3. Online Platforms Make It Easier to Track and Report Changes

When you begin a corporate wellness initiative, there's a lot of data to take into consideration. Do you, for example, want to track the number of miles employees walk or the number of steps they take in a day? Keep up with the number of calories burned, water drunk, food consumed or their stress level? What about tracking other factors: weight, BMI, or resting heart rate, for example? Online platforms make it easier than ever to track those changes over time. Do you need to report the changes made by your corporate wellness program or show proof of how your wellness program is changing lives? If so, using an online platform makes it easier to generate reports or to check back and see what changes have actually occurred over time. Not only that, with your online platform, you can more easily display the progress that employees are making, which often provides incentive for them to continue the hard work--and can even help encourage other employees to pick up great new habits. 


4. Online Platforms Decrease Cost

Starting a wellness platform online is much cheaper than organizing numerous offline activities, especially in different territories. By utilizing an online platform that already exists, you position yourself perfectly to decrease your overall operating costs. You don't need a wellness manager to keep up with your online efforts; instead, try an online platform that will more effectively track key data and keep up with your employees' efforts. Often, this reduces the work required to sift through that data to a few clicks--and that means your wellness manager can spend their time on more important tasks and responsibilities. 


5. Online Platforms Can Provide More Incentive

While there's no substitute for in-person incentive, including the knowledge that everyone is working together to achieve their wellness goals, using an online platform can also provide additional incentive for your employees. Online platforms can:

  • Make it easier for employees to check in with one another in a social setting. From sharing goals to celebrating accomplishments--and even sharing recipes and exercise ideas--online programs help employees feel less alone in the whole process.
  • Online programs can offer regular notifications and reminders. Often, those reminders are exactly what an employee needs to get moving for the day even if they were originally planning to skip that workout. 
  • Online programs offer badges and other symbols that can increase motivation and initiative in your employees. 
  • Online platforms ensure everyone has equal access to the information. It's not limited to a particular room or area; instead, it's easily accessible from any machine.

Thanks to your online platform, you may be able to increase the odds that your employees will take advantage of everything offered by your corporate wellness program. Just like fitness trackers provide their own incentive to wearers, so online fitness initiatives can provide that key incentive. 


6. Online Programs Increase Accessibility

If you really want to improve your corporate wellness initiative, it's important to make it accessible to as many of your employees as possible--and using an online platform can help do exactly that. With an online platform, you can make wellness available to employees who might, under other circumstances, be reluctant to engage in wellness discussions or activities. An unhealthy individual, for example, might prefer the anonymity of the online platform until they start reaching their goals, while a shy individual may find it easier to participate online than in person. 


Making It Work

Are you ready to combine an online platform with your overall corporate wellness initiative? Are you hoping to dive in and experience the key advantages of both online and offline opportunities? Consider these strategies as part of your new move. 

Integrate online information with offline activities. Are you putting in a fitness day as an office staff? Do you have a 5k planned, for example? Make sure those announcements show up online so that everyone can plan to participate. 

Use the online program to send out reminders and share information. Do you have employees who are making progress in leaps and bounds? What about employees who are going above and beyond to reach their goals? Through your online platform, you'll have easy access to that information, which means that you can share it--both celebrating those employees who have reached their goals and providing additional incentive to others. 

Don't forget offline activities. Arrange for employees to go for a walk together at lunch. Bring in a massage therapist a few times a year. Try out fitness classes as a company. You don't need to limit your platform to online use; instead, use it to bring your employees together more effectively. 

Provide quality coaching both online and offline. Some employees will be more comfortable receiving information from an online coach, since they may feel that this platform is less judgmental. Others will find that they get better results when they work with a coach in person. Try to ensure that both types of coaching are available to your employees. 

It's time to take your corporate wellness initiative online, allowing you to more effectively manage all of the data associated with your wellness program and motivate employees to new accomplishments. 


Photo Credit: Depositphotos

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