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Lucy Wyndham
Lucy began her career as a nutritionist before taking a step back from her busy career to bring up 2 daughters and indulge her passion for writing and sharing great ideas.

Lucy Wyndham

24 Nov
2 minute read

Simple Ways To Help Your Employees Improve Their Posture

Poor posture is a major cause of back pain, neck pain, eyestrain and headaches. It also negatively impacts mood and work performance and increases stress levels.
12 Feb
2 minute read

Managers Who Hire Baby Boomers Should Focus On Corporate Wellness

The Baby Boomer generation is renowned for its independent spirit, and many Boomers of retirement age are continuing to work instead of embracing traditional retirement, according to U.S. News. No matter why Boomers have chosen to stay in the workforce, these older employees will benefit from using workplace wellness techniques that are appropriate for their age group.
20 Jun
2 minute read

Top Tips For Working Out At 60

60 has become the new 40 thanks to healthier living, which means that people are now hitting ‘middle-age’ a lot later in life.
19 Dec
2 minute read

How Coffee Is Secretly Helping You Keep Fit

Every year, 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed around the world. It’s as much a part of most people’s daily routine as getting out of bed and getting dressed.
11 Sep
3 minute read

How Fitness Can Make You Love Your Skin More

Out of 1,000 people surveyed, 73% indicated that they work out more than once a week.
24 Aug
3 minute read

How To Move More In A Sedentary Workplace

The reports say that people who sit for more than half the day double their risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems. So, how do we tackle this problem?
25 Mar
3 minute read

How To Improve Corporate Wellbeing And Increase Employee Engagement

Employee engagement in the workplace is essential to manage turnover, absence and boost performance.
25 Feb
2 minute read

6 Fantastic Benefits of Adding Red Meat to Your Diet

Red meat gets a bad reputation, but the truth is that in moderation, quality, unprocessed meats such as beef and venison can help to balance out a healthy diet.
15 Jan
2 minute read

What You Need To Know About Salt and Its Health Benefits

Sodium chloride, commonly known as salt, has far-reaching culinary uses and health benefits that vary according to different types, crystal sizes and usage.
08 Jan
2 minute read

3 Ways To Jumpstart Your Weight Loss This New Year

According to a recent survey, weight loss is the number one New Year’s resolution of respondents, while exercise and healthy eating made it to the top 5 list.
21 Dec
2 minute read

Why Stretching Is So Important Before Working Out

Stretching vital muscle groups before physical activity will help prevent injury and falls, and enable you to perform at your very best. Here's why!
22 Aug
2 minute read

What Is Fatigue And How To Address It Naturally

During a cross-sectional telephonic survey of U.S. workers, the 2-week period occurrence of fatigue was estimated at 37.9%.
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