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Luke Mitchell
Luke S. Mitchell is an MS Undergraduate in Sports Journalism and manager of ExerciseBikesExpert. He is interested not only in the mind-body relationship and how motivation shapes our bodies but also in how we draw energy just from one simple yet powerful thought.

Luke Mitchell

09 Aug
3 minute read

5 Most Healthy Types Of Food That Can Improve Your Natural Beauty

It’s no secret that the foods we choose to consume on a daily basis are reflected both inside and out, affecting our health and our appearance alike.
26 Feb
4 minute read

5 Vital Post and Pre-Workout Nutrition Facts You Need To Know

You woke up in the morning, drank the obligatory cup of hot coffee, packed your shorts, towel and sneakers, and you are ready to hit the gym. This is all fine and well, except for one crucial thing: you forgot about food. What you eat before a workout and how much is as important as how many reps and repetitions you do.
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