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by inKin
07 Jul

The Best Super Foods A-Z: G Is For Goji Berries

Not only will goji berries deliver essential nutrients throughout your body, but if you're looking to shed a few pounds or get a better night's sleep, you may want to look into adding this incredible little berry into your diet.


The goji berry, also referred to as the wolfberry, hails originally from China. The bright reddish-orange berries come from an unassuming shrub. Asian legend tells us the berries may help you live longer. The goji berry may very well hold up to these ancient claims.

Goji berries come packed with essential vitamins and minerals. A serving of goji berries includes 150% RDA of Vitamin A. It also provides generous amounts of copper, selenium, and riboflavin, and trace amounts of iron and calcium. 

In their dried form, it's easy to toss goji berries into salads, yogurt, or on top of waffles. With their sweet yet tart flavor, they offer a terrific alternative to raisins or dried cranberries. 


The Benefits of Goji Berries

1. Boosts Immunity

Whose immune system couldn't use some help these days? Not only will goji berries help guard against the flu, but it also enhances the vaccine's function. Especially in the time of COVID-19, we're all looking for a more robust immune system. 


2. May Assist With Weight Loss

Adding the sweetness of goji berries to your diet may help you stay away from candy bars and other empty calories. Not only does this berry help control cravings, but it also represents a good source of fiber. Enjoying a dessert with goji berries means guiltless satisfaction. 


3. A Super Antioxidant

Your skin, hair, and nails will love the generous amount of Vitamin A in goji berries. As it works to fight free radicals at the cellular level, you may also notice brighter, healthier-looking eyes. Antioxidants will help you feel and look better.


4. Maintain a Healthy Blood Sugar

Goji berries may help control or ward off diabetes. It assists in lowering blood sugar, but goji berries also help regulate insulin and contribute to cell recovery.


5. Increases Testosterone

Goji berries increase sperm production and efficiency. Some claim the berries also help with ED and suggest you may want to try it before you get that Viagra prescription. 


6. Overall Wellness

Especially if you're substituting goji berries for sugary, less nutritious snacks, you may find you feel better in general. Your sleep may improve, and that, along with better nutrition, should also impact your mood and stress level.


Recipes and Ways To Introduce Goji Berries Into Your Diet

Tossing goji berries into a salad, a cup of yogurt, or on top of some oatmeal takes practically no effort. Check out these recipes online  for delicious muffins or satisfyingly crunchy granola to get your morning off to a great start.

For a treat that will make you forget about those sugary and buttery temptations, try out these tempting goodies.


Almond Goji Berry chocolate snaps

Ingredients (makes 8, serves 4)

  • 100g 70% cocoa dark chocolate
  • Two tablespoons coarsely chopped almonds
  • Two tablespoons goji berries
  • Coarse salt flakes or Sea Salt


  1. Stir the chocolate with a wooden spoon as you melt it in a double boiler or use a metal bowl on top of a bowl of boiling water until the chocolate contains no lumps. 
  2. Put a sheet of parchment or s similar paper over a tray or plate.
  3. Divide the melted chocolate into eight mounds on the paper and sprinkle the tops with almonds and goji berries.
  4. Press the almonds and berries gently into the chocolate to make sure they stick. Then sprinkle a pinch of salt on each one before placing them in the fridge
  5. Leave in the fridge 20 minute or until the chocolate has completely hardened. 
  6. Enjoy the great combination of the berries, dark chocolate, and salt.



Photo Credit: Depositphotos


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