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by Zara
11 Dec

The Magic Trick: How To Make A New Years Resolution (And Stick To It)!

Many people think of the new year as a new start to have their best year ever! However, many of us make resolutions to change and then struggle to follow through.

Many people think of the new year as a new start. They can make changes to have their best year ever! However, this can be challenging as many of us make resolutions to change and then struggle to follow through. This leads to feeling awful as the new year continues.

But it doesn't have to be this way and here are some tips to make a New Year's Resolution (and stick to it).


1. Start by believing in yourself

The best way to stick to a resolution is by believing in yourself. If you don't think that you can do it, the truth is that you won't! Your mindset is fundamental when it comes to setting goals and sticking to them. So, decide that you are ready to reach your goals and you will. 


2. Make smaller (and more manageable) goals

Too many people set unrealistic goals that are just setting them up for failure. They want to lose weight by eating better and exercising more. But the truth is that it is several goals, not only one.


3. Instead, make goals that build on each other

If you want to lose weight, start by cutting back on the amount of dessert that you eat. Instead of having it every night, you may have dessert every other day or just on the weekends. Once that becomes a habit, you may want to start including more vegetables with your dinner. Then, you might get smaller plates so you can start cutting back on the amount that you are eating.

If you tried to do all of that at once, you inevitably would fail. By breaking it up into steps, you have a better chance of sticking to it!


4. Have an accountability partner

The truth is that, when we have partners to help us, we are more likely to succeed. For this reason, you need to find others who are on the same journey that you are.

If you want to start exercising, you may want to find someone else who has similar fitness goals. By meeting at the gym three times a week, you will guarantee that you both will show up and put in the effort. If you are trying to eat healthier, you may cook with someone who also is interested in the same thing. You may get together for meal prep to ensure that both of you are eating better.


5. Don't give up, even if you slip up

Many people give up before they even get started. In fact, most people give up before January is even over. However, if you are serious about your resolutions, you can't give up. One slip isn't going to make or break your resolution. How you handle it does.

So, really think about what happened so you can keep it from happening again. Did you go to the grocery store when you were hungry and came home with cookies? Did you stay up too late so you had trouble getting out of bed in the morning and you missed your workout?

The truth is that many people don't follow through with their New Year's Resolutions and rarely make it through January before they give up. However, if you make smaller resolutions that are easier to follow through, you are more likely to succeed. It also helps to have an accountability partner. If you both decide to work out (or cook) together, you are more likely to show up and put in the work. That being said, we have created a special step challenge to help you with your NY resolutions and health goals for magical 2020! Join us today and let's get together for better results!

Photo Credit: Depositphotos

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