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by inKin
29 Mar

5 Powerful Benefits of Using Fitness Trackers

The past few years have seen a huge surge in the creation and use of fitness trackers such as the Fitbit, Jawbone, and Misfit.

The wearable device market, including fitness tracking devices, is hugely promising; by 2019 it is expected to explode into the 25 billion dollar range. These fitness devices come in a variety of types and are relatively easy for anyone to use, regardless of how "tech savvy" they feel.  Although some are hesitant to join the fitness tracker craze, a closer look at these devices reveals some powerful benefits that easily change a person's entire life. 


1. Motivation 

The step leaderboard on inKin Social Fitness Platform

Statistics show that approximately 50% of those who begin a fitness program will drop it within 6 months.  Numbers like these are grim. However, when it comes to motivation and inner drive, fitness tracking devices offer the best hope of staying amped up and ready to work toward fitness dreams. Research states that fitness tracking devices encourage a significant increase in fitness and physical activities for their wearers.  Rather than feeling like a chore or drudgery, a fitness tracker allows your fitness routine to feel more like a game or fun activity.  Memory storage and progress trackers within the device easily reveal your progress and show growing levels of endurance and challenge.  These tools help you stay motivated about your progress even when the results don't feel obvious.  


2. Accountability

you and your team took steps

One of the most challenging aspects of fitness is a lack of accountability.  Getting in shape is often a solitary goal, and many feel as though no one knows or cares about their progress.  It's easy to push aside your fitness routine or choose to forget about your health responsibilities.  However, many fitness trackers come with personalized reminders and other accountability tools designed to keep your health goals at the forefront of your attention.  It's far more difficult to brush off your fitness schedule when you're consistently given firm reminders of its importance.  


3. Safety

 Health and fitness metrics on inKin social fitness platform


When the topic of tracking devices comes up, many only think of the weight loss or fitness benefits.  However, these devices offer deeper benefits.  Those with heart conditions and other serious medical issues should strongly consider using fitness tracking devices, not only for health improvements but also as a medical warning device.  Many newer models come with safety tools such as sleep monitors, heart rate monitors, and blood pressure trackers.  People with medical concerns that require their heart or blood pressure to remain within specific ranges benefit from the devices' easy tracking capabilities.  These wearables prevent dangerous heart rates and other concerns from sneaking up and posing health risks. For some, this simple tech tool can very well save their life. 


4. "Upping the Ante" 

Dedicated athletes recognize the vital importance of consistently increasing their fitness challenges. With greater challenge come greater health and fitness.  The easiest way to keep track of your progress and raise the bar lies in the tracking capabilities of your fitness device. These gadgets effortless record and gauge physical activity and show your strengths and weaknesses.  By examining your records and progress level, you can best learn how to increase your fitness challenges and stay driven.  When you reach these new goals, fitness trackers allow you to visualize your victory and see your overall progress over specific time ranges. By using your fitness tracker, you can easily set manageable goals that prevent you from becoming overwhelmed or stagnant on the journey toward your fitness goals.  


5. Team Spirit and Competition

One of the greatest benefits within fitness trackers is the strong sense of team spirit and healthy competition they promote. Some workplaces offer fitness trackers to employees to encourage greater group fitness. Some employers actively use these devices in team building competitions that not only build employee relationships but also increase workplace health. Getting healthy is far easier when working toward similar goals with like-minded friends and acquaintances.  In addition to work-related competitions, some fitness trackers offer social interlinking and networking to others with similar goals.  Wearers can easily connect with other friends and teammates to share progress and goals.  There's nothing like a little friendly competition to help shed pounds or build muscle.  

With the large assortment of fitness trackers available, it's best to do your research and get advice from other successful wearers. This is the easier way to help ensure your device offers the tools you want.  For those who already own a fitness tracker, take the time to invest and take advantage of the powerful tools and benefits your device offers.  


Use our Fitness trackers comparison tool to find your perfect match!

Photo Credit: Depositphotos


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